New York State Utility Meter Choice – Companion Bill introduced in the Assembly

Senator Harckam’s digital utility ‘smart’ meter bill has a companion in the Assembly, introduced by Assembly Member Steven Otis, the Chair of the Science and Technology Committee. 

Senate Bill S5632A, Provides for consumer protection and utility meter choice

Assembly Bill A9148, Establishes certain consumer rights for the protection of consumer health, safety and/or privacy needs related to utility meters

This means New Yorkers are better positioned than ever before to get legislation that would allow them to keep an analog meter, and opt out of the digital ‘smart’ meters, without any fees. We could also get an analog meter re-instated in a timely manner. The legislation covers water, gas and electric meters, and also addresses multi-unit buildings. This is the best legislation we have had introduced so far, after many years of trying.

For those who are new to the topic, this purported ‘green’ solution to the aging energy grid has presented a huge array of problems for close to two decades. These include risks to health, safety, cybersecurity, privacy. Not to mention higher bills. And the fact that the meters don’t lower overall energy use.

Please see Americans for Responsible Technology’s excellent overview for comprehensive information.

And the New York Safe Utility Meter Association’s summary which includes important historical background.

Now is the time to spread the word and contact your legislators to let them know about the bills and your support.

Find your Senator

Find your Assembly Member

A simple script:

Hello, I’m ____ and I’m calling from _____ to urge (name of legislator) to support and co-sponsor the Digital Meter Opt-Out Bill. This is a very important issue for me, and I believe all New Yorkers deserve the same uniform opt-out choice which allows them to keep their analog utility meters. 

The bill number is S5632A (Senate) or A 9148 (Assemnbly) 

Thank you very much. 

For a more lengthy conversation you can review the detailed talking points prepared by ART here.

Please ask your legislator’s contact person what the legislator’s position is, so that we can monitor levels of awareness. 

Other really easy first steps:

— Participate in the Children’s Health Defense’s automated letter writing campaign:

Leave comments on the bills’ webpages: Bill S5632A   Bill A9148,  

(You might have to set up an account or sign in via Facebook or Google. Don’t forget to click the box to have your legislator receive a copy of your comments.)

— Sign our petition for safe utility and broadband policies:

We will follow up with names and contacts for the members of the Senate Consumer Protection and Assembly Energy Committee for more targeted lobbying. Let us make the most of this historic opportunity!

Till then, thank you so much for all you do.