
About Us

We are grassroots advocates sounding the alarm on the harmful biological effects of pulsed-modulated microwave radiation from densified 4G/5G wireless infrastructure antennas. We support municipally-owned and controlled Wireline solutions: fiber optic broadband direct to homes and businesses as a basic public infrastructure: a public necessity and a public good — in the public rights-of-way. We further advocate for the preservation and maintenance of existing legacy copper, switched telephone landlines. We should not allow private, for-profit companies to abandon or dismantle our essential NY State Public Telecommunications Utility (SPTU) asset: copper landlines — the only phone lines that work reliably in a power outage.

Our Mission

Our mission is to alert the public to the serious biological harm caused by wireless communications infrastructure’s pulsed-modulated microwave radiation, which constitutes an existential threat to all life on Earth. The ubiquity of pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) and the enormity of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is a disaster that is being constructed right in front of our homes. While demanding that wireless companies be held responsible for their past and future damages, we advocate for the use of superior Wireline telecommunications and broadband services, which are generally the fastest, safest, most reliable, secure, and energy-efficient option.

Contact us at newyorkers4wiredtech@hushmail.com